About - horoscope
It was like reading a horoscope and the feeling of total recognition. It was some random photocopies in a pile with no source or sender, detached from any context. Different text types and even copy clipped together. Texts on the characteristics of site-specific artists' working methods. Not by the art as such, but the artist. Maybe texts about artists and artists' texts are just a kind of horoscopes? As such defined stupid, but full of recognition and hope for the future?
Anyways - we need new zodiac signs, predictions and warnings, everyone who feels recognized is welcome in my horoscope: Site specific in the ascendant. The collector is my zodiac sign. Born in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Here we go:
-You who work with a place-related practice will be actively involved as part of the process of making the work. It goes much further than placing art in unusual places: it's about working with the overall environment of a place. -The manufacturing itself must be sensitive and able to respond to new discoveries and unexpected difficulties. You simply can not have full control over the situation. Flexibility is crucial, although on paper it may seem imprecise. -You must be open to spontaneity and change.
You are interested in what is happening, what has happened, instead. To work in this way involves questioning, possibly rejecting, the irony and the "cool" relativism of certain tribes in contemporary art. You can not avoid coming into contact with social, economic and cultural realities during the creative process. You do not necessarily make any direct comment or "tell" the audience what to think, but instead invite them to engage in the very real relationship between place and work and invite them to draw their own conclusions.
You like the nomadic principle in your life and work. -You have an awareness not only about time, but about change and flux and that is the very foundation. Different experiences of time and change intersect: historical time (the lived experience of the place); material time (the materials used); experience time (the actual period of the intervention).
You who work place-related struggle with existential notions of fragments and time. They move around the world from place to place as archaeologists uncover memories, stories, find and clean up rubbish. Bringing human life back into the voids left behind, putting things back together.
-You choose a site-specific practice to give the work a context where the meaning is created in interaction with the surroundings. There is a shift in focus from the work itself to the site.
-You with a place-related practice want the viewer to be aware of his own presence as a physically anchored body together with the works of art.
-You with a site-related practice, spend a disproportionate amount of time seeking funds in all kinds of funds. You will experience obstacles on your way. Documentation will be an important part of the work, as the works are often located outside art centers and off the beaten track. You will end up in strange places.